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Build a positive personality: 25 steps

source: Personality opens the door, the character keeps it open. An attractive personality is a thing worth achieving in every walk of life. However, it is not referred to as beauty but positive traits and manners which a person can learn and acquire in daily life. Do you want to achieve the traits of a positive personality? Then follow the steps below which I have summarized from Shiv Khera’s book 'You Can Win' to build a positive personality. Steps to build a positive personality: Step 1 – Accept the responsibility: Accepting responsibility is a sign of maturity. A person who has the strength to be responsible is actually adding value to his own life. Most of the people start the blame game when things go wrong rather than doing what needs to be done. Our objective should be a responsible person individually as well as socially. Step 2 – Show consideration: Showing considerate behavior is rare in this era where no one is ready to work selfless
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Importance of Fitness

Being healthy is very important to live a wonderful and happy life. For that purpose, humans have developed various fitness techniques over time such as bodybuilding, meditation, and yoga. Along with that that eating healthy food also keeps the human body active and attractive. Body Building:     In this era of technology, we have become too busy to take care of our body which after 40, starts losing cells in a large amount. However, bodybuilding not only makes us attractive outside but it has numerous benefits inside too. It improves the various internal functions of the body and keeps far away from various diseases. It is suggested that a person should give 40 minutes to weight lifting exercises every 4-5 days a week. Here are some benefits of bodybuilding listed below: Avoids heart disease Strong bones Good digestion and effective absorption of nutrients from food Due to good blood circulation, the human brain becomes active Improved memory and thinking abilit