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Build a positive personality: 25 steps

Personality opens the door, the character keeps it open. An attractive personality is a thing worth achieving in every walk of life. However, it is not referred to as beauty but positive traits and manners which a person can learn and acquire in daily life. Do you want to achieve the traits of a positive personality? Then follow the steps below which I have summarized from Shiv Khera’s book 'You Can Win'to build a positive personality.

Steps to build a positive personality:

Step 1 – Accept the responsibility:
Accepting responsibility is a sign of maturity. A person who has the strength to be responsible is actually adding value to his own life. Most of the people start the blame game when things go wrong rather than doing what needs to be done. Our objective should be a responsible person individually as well as socially.

Step 2 – Show consideration:
Showing considerate behavior is rare in this era where no one is ready to work selflessly. Having a caring attitude certainly, take you out of the crowd and eventually, making you an attractive personality.

Step 3 – Think win-win:
A win-win situation is where you think of yourself, but fulfilling the needs of others too. This will take you to the new heights of success because of the contribution from the other side. Remember, try not to be a completely selfish personality.

Step 4 – Choose your words carefully:
A person who says whatever he likes usually ends up hearing what he doesn’t like. Spoken words cant be retrieved, hence it is essential to choose your words wisely and think before speaking. Indeed, well-chosen words can actually change another person’s destiny. Therefore, talk less and say more.

Step 5 – Don’t criticize and complain:
Criticism puts negative influence on others, rather than do constructive criticism which means criticism with a helpful attitude. Prove your point with facts and in a gentle manner. Nothing is perfect and if you become a permanent complainer, the negative things become attractive to you.

Step 6 – Smile and be kind:
A smile costs nothing, but it creates much. A smile is contagious and is an inexpensive way to improve looks. A smiling face is always welcome. Always greet people with a smile in every situation.

Step 7 – Always start a relationship on a positive note:
Whether you are going to enter a new relationship or patching up with someone, always use phrases of positivity with no grudges in the heart. Become a pleasing personality to make good relationships.

Step 8 – Be a good listener:
There are many people with stories but very few to listen to. If you want to become prominent then start listening. It shows caring and when you show a caring attitude towards another person, you make the other person feel important. Moreover, Good listening brings people together and avoids misunderstanding.

Step 9 – Be enthusiastic:
Enthusiasm is also contagious. You can showcase your enthusiasm in the way you talk, walk, and meet people. Acquire enthusiastic behavior to inspire.

Step 10 – Give honest and sincere appreciation:
Most of the people want to be appreciated, it’s their desire. So, give people an honest and immediate appreciation if they deserve. It makes them feel good and their self-esteem goes up. However, on the other hand, if you receive appreciation, accept it graciously with a ‘thank you’.

Step 11 – Accept your mistakes:
Every mistake happens for a reason when you realize you have done wrong, apologize for that and absorb the lessons from it. Don’t deny or dwell on it. The key to a positive personality is to accept one’s mistakes and but remember not to repeat the same mistake again.

Step 12 – Discuss but don’t argue:
This is the golden rule for having a positive personality because the only way to win an argument is to avoid it. Even if you win the argument you lose relations. You can discuss gently with logical information but always avoid arguing, it is a sign of maturity.

Step 13 – Don’t gossip:
Gossip is the art of saying nothing in a way that leaves nothing unsaid. Hence, refrain from indulging in gossip because it loses one’s credibility.

Step 14 – Turn your promises into commitments:
A commitment is a promise that is going to be kept no matter what. It leads to enduring relationships. Be a committed person. It shows a person’s character.

Step 15 – Be grateful but do not expect gratitude:
Gratitude is a beautiful thing a human can acquire which naturally attracts every good thing to you. Show gratitude in your behavior for what you have. A simple ‘thank you’ or a smile can be gracious and in contrast, you should not expect gracious behavior from others. In today’s era, a grateful person is exceptional.

Step 16 – Be dependable and practice loyalty:
Good relations are hard to find and once you have developed should be nurtured. Never lose your credibility, it is very hard to build a positive repute. Be a person people can trust and call for help in need. Especially you need to sacrifice for your friends and family, those we care about, and who depend on us.

Step 17 – Avoid bearing grudges:
It is the rule of nature when you have a negative feeling inside you, you will draw negative energy towards yourself. Life is short to hold grudges, we need to learn to forgive. Even before forgiving others, we need to forgive ourselves, because many of us hold the garbage of resentments and regrets of the past. Therefore, we have to empty the extra burden from our bodies.

Step 18 – Practice honesty, integrity, and sincerity:
To build a positive personality, establish a reputation for being trustworthy. Integrity holds a relationship stronger. Whereas, people who are sincere say what they mean and mean what they say.

Step 19 – Practice humility:
Be polite and avoid arrogance, it creates a positive image of you in society. Success and humility go hand in hand, no matter what is your rank you need to learn to remain on the ground.

Step 20 – Be understanding and caring:
There is more gratification in being a caring person than just being a nice person. Try to be sensitive to other people’s feelings and understand their needs, especially those who are close to you. It is always better to show consideration when they are alive rather than putting the flowers on graves when they are gone.

Step 21 – Practice courtesy on a daily basis:
If you have the ability to see, there are a lot of people around you who are waiting for your help. Small acts of kindness such as taking care of elders and saying ‘thank you’ can also create a large impact. Practice good manners on a daily basis because people like to avoid dealing with rude people.

Step 22 – Develop a sense of humor:
People like to hang out with a person who makes them laugh, but never include vulgarity in your jokes.

Step 23 – Don’t be sarcastic:
Sarcasm includes negative humor and hurtful remarks which put down other people. A sarcastic person eventually becomes alone in the end.

Step 24 – To have a friend, be a friend:
We always look for a good person rather than being the one. No one is perfect, we need to learn to ignore the minor negative habits of our close relations. Mutual trust and confidence are the foundation stone of any relationship.

Step 25 – Show empathy:
Empathy alone is a very important characteristic of a positive personality. You ought to have empathy for the disabled, elderly, and your subordinates. When you share sorrow, it divides; when you share happiness, it multiplies.
No matter what you are today and where you stand, these positive traits will help you build a positive personality. So, start from today to make an impact in the world.


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