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Importance of Fitness

Being healthy is very important to live a wonderful and happy life. For that purpose, humans have developed various fitness techniques over time such as bodybuilding, meditation, and yoga. Along with that that eating healthy food also keeps the human body active and attractive.

Body Building:

In this era of technology, we have become too busy to take care of our body which after 40, starts losing cells in a large amount. However, bodybuilding not only makes us attractive outside but it has numerous benefits inside too. It improves the various internal functions of the body and keeps far away from various diseases. It is suggested that a person should give 40 minutes to weight lifting exercises every 4-5 days a week.

Here are some benefits of bodybuilding listed below:
  • Avoids heart disease
  • Strong bones
  • Good digestion and effective absorption of nutrients from food
  • Due to good blood circulation, the human brain becomes active
  • Improved memory and thinking ability
  • Reduces stress and keeps aways from anxiety and body irritation
  • Healthy muscles and skin
  • Detoxication due to sweating
As a beginner, one should start with proper guidance and with low weight and increase it gradually. It is not very wise to start on your own because you could strain your muscles. At the start of the weight lifting, you will face some pain in the body first two or three days. Afterward, you will be enjoying bodybuilding and eventually, your posture will come into shape. Hence, it is better to consult an instructor.

Eat good food:

Your body will also need a lot of nutrients after exercise. So, it is very necessary to eat good food filled with vitamins and protein. Furthermore, avoid junk food which is harmful to health, such as fast food, cold drinks, and other food excessed with oil and fatty acids.

You will get more benefits if you cut down on the bad habits which promote poor health. For instance, smoking and drinking.

Following are some suggested foods to increase your health:

  • Fruits (Orange, Banana, Pomegranate, Berries, etc.)
  • Vegetables (Brocolli, Cabbage, Spinach, Carrot, etc.)
  • Lean (Turkey, Chicken, Beef,)
  • Nuts 
  • Pulses
  • Carb foods
  • Egg
  • Fish

Meditation and Yoga:

Remaining calm and mindful is also necessary to live a good life. For that you can start the meditation now by finding the quiet place and feel your breath inhaling and exhaling, it is quick and easy and keeps you relax. Whereas yoga has its own particular steps and techniques which you can learn easily and practice every day.

Mindfulness should be your essential part of life it keeps the human brain fit and active, increases a person's decision making ability and improve the function of the heart. 


While doing daily routine works, you should also take care of your health. Because it is very important to take some time to stay active and live a happy and disease-free life. You are completely responsible your life and certainly, you have to make the decision whether to remain lazy or take a stand and start working on your physique.

Thank you for reading and I will end with an Arabian proverb:
he who has health has hope; and who has hope has everything


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